
your smile. your eyes. your lips.
your hair. your voice. your laugh.
your hands. your smirk.your teasing.
your humour. your weird faces.
the way you walk. the way you say my name.
the way you look. the way you talk.
your singing. your dance. your body.



the lonely whale

a couple of weeks ago i came across with a news that was a bit intriguing to say the least.

in the great blue ocean there is an animal that it is totally alone. it has no family, no friends, no lover, no nothing. it's a big whale that wonders through the ocean searching for another who can hear her

scientist first discover the whale lonely song in 1992 and they have been tracking her ever since.

with the whale overhunting this beautifull animals do suffer from loneliness because there are just a few from the same species for they to communicate. they sing and sing for a very long time untill they find others like them. the marine noise pollution it is another factor that prevents whales from communicating.
but this is a different case. this particulary whale does not travel in the migratory path that whales do and her song is so high that other whales cannot hear her

in 2004 the new york times wrote an article about the loneliest whale in the world, you can read it here

scientists discovered that this whale sings at 52 Hz when it should be between 12 and 25Hz like every other whale song.
because of this particularly no other whale can hear her cry for companionship. you can listen to the whales song here.

with this scientists discovered that the whales voice goes deeper as they grow older.

researchers have different oppinios about the origins of the whale. some say that she is a deformed hibrid between two different species or the last surviving member of an unknown species.
although the whale has been monitored over the years nobody as ever seen her. so it is kind of a mystery how does she looks like. even though scientists were able to track the migratory nature of whales, to find a specific moving target it's unlikely to be possible

Just imagine that massive mammal, floating alone and singing—too big to connect with most of the beings it passes, feeling paradoxically small in the vast stretches of empty, open ocean.
